Jenni Luhta (née Markkanen, b. 1986, Espoo) is visual artist based in Helsinki. Through digital image processing, Luhta produces pictures from which she constructs video and installation works, whose narration she performs by herself. She also composes aphorisms, makes speeches and statements, performs and writes music. As an artist pledged straightforwardly to her works, Luhta endeavours, with subjects she chooses, to create works, which are as exemplary and definitive as possible and include both scientifically researchable and morally valuable wisdom. The prime motive of Luhta’s artistic activity is to rediscover, in the 21st century, dignity in being a Western mangnity.
Luhta, who comes from Riihimäki. began her art studies at Orivesi Folk College in 2005, from where she proceeded to Academy of Fine Arts. She got her master's degree of art in 2012 and has worked as a free artist since. She has held seven solo exhibitions and taken part in numerous group exhibitions in Finland and also in St. Petersburg. Luhta's master's degree exhibition Esipuhe vastapuolelle (Prologue to the Opposite) (2010) combined pottery sculpture with video works. Silja Rantanen chose it as one of her subjects in her doctor's thesis Ulos sulkeista – Nykytaiteen teosmuotojen tulkintaa (2014). Later she has been especially known for her video work Raami (Frame) (Galleria Huuto, 2013) and her musical performance VoimaPOP (PowerPOP) (Club Guggenheim, 2014).
Since 2015, Luhta has worked with her spouse Lauri Luhta and as a member of Là-bas team. Their most remarkable collaborative work has been Jenni Luhdan Hyvän malli (Jenni Luhta's Model of Good), an installation summarising the moral conceptions of antiquity and Christianity, which was premiered at Sinne gallery, Helsinki, in September 2016. In May 2017, the couple took part in Lippulaulu 2017 song contest with their own proposal for a new Finnish Flag Song. At present, Luhta is working on a new collaboration, a video work Suomen henki (The Spirit of Finland). It will be released on the internet on the 100th anniversary of Finland's independence and beforehand as an exhibition at Alkovi gallery in October 2017.
For the event Là-bas→ Self as the Third, Jenni Luhta writes a speech statement, which she reads during the opening of the event. Copies of the statement are available to audience during the event.
Still-pictures of the work The Spirit of Finland (premiere in december 2017)