Là-bas Self as the Third

Local artists:
Rogério Nuno Costa
Saara Hannus
Sirkku Ketola
Mari Metsämäki
Saku Soukka

Visiting performance artists:
AOr NOpawan
Chumpon Apisuk
Snežana Golubović
Sinéad O'Donnell
Jiří Surůvka

Lauri & Jenni Luhta
Irma Optimist

Where I meet you, a third is also present, a great witness, and I too am it. You yourself are the other in it. When the two or three are gathered, we go into a place, come into a space, step into a time. The present is sublime, history is decisive, social is corporeal and spatial. There community forms, convenes, confers and heeds.


Là-bas→ Self as the Third is a festival and an exhibition of performance art and visual art works. The context of the live performances is visual art. The sovereign works are equal and one of their kind. They are created by persons. Crucial differences are real, distinctions are being made, borders show. Between one and the other, under the third, substance and meaning cross over where everything is face-to-face.

To do things in threes means to confirm. The festival Là-bas→ God: The Hidden Circle (2015) showed, in the circle of life and love, inviolable things that violence cannot touch. The antithesis Là-bas→ Abyss: Splinters in the Depths (2016) was of one animal in a digital world where, in the abyss left by God's disappearance, Man is subject to eradication. Là-bas→ Self As the Third (2017) draws a picture of the universal in particular as a true sign that witnesses from here to elsewhere and manifests back to here again.

The festival and the exhibition takes place in Merikaapelihalli, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki. It lasts for one day, Saturday 19 August 2017. Performance artists AOr NOpawan (Thailand), Chumpon Apisuk (Thailand), Snežana Golubović (Serbia/Germany), Sinéad O'Donnell (Northern Ireland) and Jiří Surůvka (Czech) do their work in a space, whose structures are the works and performances of Rogério Nuno Costa (Portugal), Saara Hannus, Sirkku Ketola, Mari Metsämäki and Saku Soukka.

The festival is organised by Irma Optimist, Lauri Luhta and Jenni Luhta, whose works are also present.

This is a free event. Entrance through the C-staircase. Adress: Tallberginkatu 1, 00180 Helsinki.

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