
[updated 2021-08-31 to 2003-01-25 and 2019 to present]

  2000    2001    2002    2003    2004

  2005    2006    2007    2008    2009

  2010    2011    2012    2013    2014

  2015    2016    2017    2018    2019

  2020    2021    2022


Wednesday 2 August 2000
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Lauri Luhta: live sound; DJing
Irma Optimist: performance video

Sunday 19 November 2000
Turku Performance – Helsinki Sound

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Hannu Elenius: performance, overhead projection
Lauri Luhta: live sound, DJing
Jouni Valtanen: performance

Sunday 17 December 2000
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Lauri Korhonen: video
Suvi Korhonen: performance
Aapo Kustaa: performance
Lauri Luhta: live sound, DJing
Irma Optimist: performance
Marek Pluciennik: DJing
Willem Wilhelmus: performance


Saturday 20 January 2001
Ele- ääni- ja puhe-esityksiä

Galleri Leena Kuumola, Helsinki

Tuomas Gabrielsson: live sound, performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Mattijuhani Koponen: poetry performance
Lauri Luhta: sound, live sound
Irma Optimist: performance
Jouni Partanen: durational performance
Ari Taskinen: sound
Juha Valkeapää: vocal performance
Willem Wilhelmus: performance

Tuesday 20 February – Sunday 4 March 2001
@ Exit – Festival for Unusual Live-Performances

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Avaruuden AA-kerho: live sound
DJ Subma: DJing
Vesa Holsti: performance, video
Jaap Klevering: live sound performance
Linja 535: performance
Lauri Luhta: live sound, video projection, DJing
Nega: live sound
Marek Pluciennik: performance, film projection
Roi Vaara: live sound

Saturday 17 March 2001
Performance – Video – Audio – Text

Muu Galleria, Helsinki

Lauri Korhonen: video
Bertil Maskulin: presentation
Lauri Luhta: live sound, video projection
Non Grata: performance video
Erkki Pirtola: video, video projection
Markus Renvall: video
Taje Tross: performance

Saturday 7 April 2001

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Suvi-Maria Helin: performance
Lauri Luhta: video projection, sound
Nega: live sound
Irma Optimist: performance
Erkki Pirtola: video
Marek Pluciennik: live, video
Mari Rogers: performance
Roi Vaara: performance
Willem Wilhelmus: performance

Saturday 5 May 2001

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Sadri Cetinkaya: video
Chainsmoker: live sound
Harri Larjosto: video
Lauri Luhta: live, video, DJing
Maapallon ulkopuolinen sähköjousiduo: live sound
Anneli Nygren: video
Irma Optimist: performance, overhead projection
Marek Pluciennik: video
Seppo Renvall: video
Jukka Salonen: video

Saturday 4 August 2001
No. 9

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

The Icelandic Love Corporation: video, presentation
Nega: video
Non Grata: performance video
Paide 3/6: performance
Suvanto: sound performance
Pnmf!: poetry performance, live sound
Lauri Luhta: sound, live sound, video projection
Pink Twins: live sound, video projection

Monday 3 September 2001
The Black Monday

Muu Galleria, Helsinki

Ross Birrell: video
Sylvie Cotton: performance
Elina Hartzell: performance
Markus Lerviks: sound
Lauri Luhta: video
Heidi Lindberg: performance
MFX: video
Nega: sound
Irma Optimist: performance
Erkki Pirtola: video
Pnmf!: sound
Willem Wilhelmus: performance

Thursday 20 – Sunday 23 September 2001
@ Amorph!01

Kulttuuriareena Gloria, Helsinki

Ad-lib: sound performance, drawings
Bak Truppen: performance
Adina Bar-on: video
Kelly Davis: live sound, video projection
Dotcoma DJs: DJing
Kolina DJs: DJing
Lauri Luhta: live sound, DJing
Lost Weight: live sound, video projection
Edwige Mandrou: video
MFX: video
N: live sound, video projection
Nega: live sound
Nosfe: video
Pink Twins: live sound, video projection
Nicolas Primat: video
Santiago Reyes: performance
Mark Roberts: live sound
Antoine Verhaverbeke: live sound

Saturday 20 October – Friday 26 October 2001
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Grey Park: live sound, video projection
Suvi Korhonen: film projection
Lauri Luhta: DJing
Nosfe: performance
Oblivia: performance, exhibition
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
Voima: live sound

Saturday 24 November 2001
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

AUM: video
Sylvie Cotton: performance
J.K. Ihalainen: poetry performance
Lauri Luhta: performance, video, DJing
Non Grata: photography
Nosfe: video
Irma Optimist: video
Tanel Saar: performance
Iiris Saaren-Seppälä: video
Roi Vaara: videos
Sándor Vály: live sound
VUK: live sound

Saturday 22 December 2001
Jouluksi kotoa!

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Julie Bacon: video
Peter R. Callesen: video
Hyun-Joo Min: performance
Kjell Hansson: performance
Vesa Holsti: live sound, video projection
Lauri Luhta: live, video, DJing
Pekka Niemelä: video
Irma Optimist: performance, video projection
Matti Parkkari: sound
Tommi Parkko: poetry performance
Oliver Whitehead: video
Willem Wilhelmus: sound performance


Saturday 26 January 2002
Industrial Art for Industrial People

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Agnosia: live, video
Holiday Girls: performance, slide projection
Irma Optimist: performance
Jaap Klevering: live sound
Jasper Klevering: live sound
Oliver Kochta: video
Lauri Luhta: performance, live sound, DJing
Myö: performance
Simo Rouhiainen: video
Felix Schröder: performance, live sound
Voima: live sound

Saturday 23 February 2002
Visuals & Violence – Audio & Architecture

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Chainsmoker: live sound
Feed-Blaster Infinity: live sound
Lauri Luhta: video, sound, live sound, video projection, DJing
No I Ain't: live sound, video projection
Nosfe: video
Pink Twins: live sound, video projection
Vesa Puhakka: live sound
16-X-Speed: live sound
Vesa Vehviläinen: video

Saturday 13 April 2002
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Antti Ahonen: slide projection
Laslo Bordos: video
Sadri Cetinkaya: video
Lauri Luhta: live sound, pictures
Non Grata: performance
Irma Optimist: performance, overhead projection
Mimosa Pale: performance
Yrjänä Sauros: sound performance
Andreas Sundqvist: video
XXIII: live sound

Saturday 11 & Wednesday 22 May 2002
Studio Là-bas→ & Hima & Sali, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

María Cosmes: performance, video
Timo Fredriksson: performance
Gert Hatsukov: performance
Jussi Kenkkilä: performance
Lauri Luhta: live, video
Tommi Lehtovirta: video
Kaarina Ormio: photo exhibition
Pilakivi-kvartetti: sound performance
Jaan Pärnamäe: exhibition
Elin T. Sörensen: exhibition
Seppo Renvall: video
Annika Tudeer: performance

Saturday 15 June 2002
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Sadri Cetinkaya: live sound
María Cosmes: video
Kelly Davis: live sound
Vesa Holsti: performance, video projection, live sound
Mikko Petteri Kuorinki: video
Laptop Quintet: live sound
Lauri Luhta: performance, video projection
Pleasures and Days: live sound, video projection
Mark Roberts: live sound
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
Antoine Verhaverbeke: live sound

Friday 26 – Saturday 27 July 2002
@ Koneisto – Festival for Electronic Music and Arts

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Audio Station: live sound, slide projection
Captain Heroin: live sound, video projection
Matt Cook: live sound
Cytrus & Ihokas: live sound, video projection
Din-Di-Gul: live sound
Grey Park: live sound, video projection
David Handford: live sound
Jacob's Ladder: live sound
Kalvo: live sound, video projection
Tanja Koistila: performance
Kolina DJs: DJing
Heidi Lindberg: performance
Lauri Luhta: performance
Morlokkiarmeija: live sound, slide projection
Nazal Snax: live sound
Nega: live sound
No I Ain't: live sound
P2L2L2: DJing
Mimosa Pale: performance
Jouni Partanen: performance
Outi-Illuusia Parviainen: performance
Pessi Parviainen: sound performance
Pleasures and Days: live sound
Pnmf!: live sound
Giuseppe Rapisarda: sound
SuuruudenHullu: live sound
Tanssiva Raja: performance
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
V2: live sound
Vuk: live sound

Friday 20 & Saturday 21 September 2002
Saturday 26 – Monday 28 October 2002
Independent Event

Forum Box, Helsinki
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Ad-lib: pictures
Agnosia: performance
Antti Ahonen: slide projection
Association of Experimental Electronics: installation
The Azathoth Three: DJing
Sylvie Cotton: durational performance
John Court: durational performance
Cut-up: poetry performance
Gillian Dyson: performance
Peter Evans: live sound, performance
Mikko Helenius: live sound
Vesa Holsti: poetry performance
Helinä Hukkataival: performance
J. K. Ihalainen: poetry performance
ISO: performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Mikko Kuorinki: video
Aapo Kustaa: performance
Heidi Lindberg: performance
Lauri Luhta: installation, performance, live sound
MFX: videos
Morlokkiarmeija: live sound, slide projection
No I Ain't: live sound, video projection
Non Grata: photographs
Nosfe: videos
Oblivia: performance
Irma Optimist: installation, performance
Kaarina Ormio: pictures
Outi Parviainen: performance
Pessi Parviainen: sound performance
Poor Artist in Residence: performance
ProImpro: dance performance
Markus Renvall: video
Aki Salmela: video
Yrjänä Sauros: poetry performance, sound performance
Roi Vaara: performance
Juha Valkeapää: sound performance
Jouni Valtanen: performance
Sándor Vály: live sound
Willem Wilhelmus: performance

Monday 25 November 2002
@ Avanto Helsinki Media Art Festival 2002

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Russel Haswell: DJing
Mikko Kuorinki: video projection
Lauri Luhta: live sound, video projection
MFX: video projection

Saturday 30 November 2002
Galleria Kipinä & New Underground School, Lahti

Minna Alanko: performance
Tanja Koistila: videos
Heidi Lindberg: performance
Lauri Luhta: performance, video
Arash Moori: performance, video
Irma Optimist: performance
Mimosa Pale: performance, video
Outi-Illuusia Parviainen: performance
Pessi Parviainen: sound performance
Peräkammarin teatteri: performance
Pleasures and Days: live sound
Pnmf!: live sound


Saturday 25 January 2003
Living in the Ice Age

Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Minna Harri: performance
Liisa Jaakonaho: performance
Helmut Lemke: sound performance
Sonja Lillvis: performance
Lauri Luhta: live sound, video projection, video
Suvi Parrilla: video
Pleasures and Days: live sound, video projection
Jarmo Saari: sound performance
Yrjänä Sauros: sound performance

Friday 14 - Saturday 15 February 2003
Helsingin Taidehalli, Helsinki

Anti-cool: performance
Philip Babot: live, video
John G. Boehme: performance
Jessica Buege: durational performance
Sadri Cetinkaya: video
Experimental Electronics Association: installation
David Handford: live
Gert Hatsukov: performance
Ville-Veikko Heinonen: video
Vesa Holsti: live, sound
Ihokas: video
Kalvo: live, video
Wladyslaw Kazmierczak: performance
Keuhkot: live
Oskari Kymäläinen: live
Helmut Lemke: live
Cyril Lepetit: durational performance
Lauri Luhta: live, video
Emi Maeda: live
Morlokkiarmeija: live
Patrick Munck: video
Mimi Nakajima: performance
Chris Nurse: video
Ryo Maruyama: performance
No I Ain't: installation, live
Nonko Ono: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Kaarina Ormio: installation
Pink Twins: live, video
Markus Renvall: installation
Mika Rintala: live
Simo Rouhiainen: installation
Ewa Rybska: performance
Sad Chemistry: live
Yrjänä Sauros: live
Valentin Torrens: performance
Jacques van Poppel: performance
Voimavirta: live

Saturday 1 March 2003
Galleria Titanik, Turku

Aapo Kustaa: live
Philip Babot: video
Hannu Elenius: live
Peter Grzybowski: video
Vesa Holsti: live, sound
Irma Optimist: live
Oskari Kymäläinen: live
Lauri Luhta: live
Patrick Munck: video
Nega: live sound
Mikko Neuvonen: live
Chris Nurse: video
Outi-Illuusia Parviainen: live
Pessi Parviainen: live
Pleasures and Days: live sound
Markus Renvall: video
Topi K. äikäs: live

Saturday 29 March 2003
Lasipalatsin Näyttely-tila, Helsinki

Bertil Maskulin: live
Pirjetta Brander: video
Kjell Hansson: live
Esa Hirvonen: live
Ihokas: live
Aapo Kustaa KorkeaojaLauri Luhta: live
Jarkko Lahti: live
Pessi Parviainen: live

Friday 25 - Sunday 27 April 2003
Sound Politics, Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Suzanna Asp, Juha Laatikainen, Arash Moori, Mika Orava, Timo Vaittinen, Anton Wiraeus: exhibition
Jon Fawcett: live
Katri Kainulainen: video
Jacob's Ladder: live
Antti Laitinen: live
Lauri Luhta: live, video
Antti Majava: live
Marjo Myllyniemi: video
Mimosa Pale: live
Ilona Raipola: video
Rihmasto: live, video
Simo Rouhiainen: DJing
Ella Tahkolahti: video
Anni Tiainen: video

Saturday 24 May 2003
Galleria Jangva, Helsinki

Aapo Kustaa: live
En Halvkokt I Folie: live
Petri Kuljuntausta: live
Helmut Lemke: live
Mari Rogers: live
Siniaalto: live
Jouni Valtanen: live
Inari Virmakoski: live

Friday 1 August 2003
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Ancient Cats from Saturn Visit Ceres: DJing
Igor Baskin: live
Kouhei Matsunaga: live
Outi-Illuusia Parviainen: live
Rajapinta: live
Torvikollektiivi: live
älymystö: live

Saturday 9 August 2003
Keksi, Taidepanimo, Lahti

Chainsmoker: live sound
Hannu Elenius: live
Grey Park: live sound
Katri Kainulainen: live
Tanja Kangas: live
Essi Kausalainen: live
Lauri Luhta: live, video
Irma Optimisti: live
Pleasures and Days: live sound

Wednesday 10 September 2003
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Bertil Maskulin: live
Pirjetta Brander: video
Duoviri: live sound
ISO: live
Lauri Luhta: video
Anton Nikkilä: live sound
Nosfe: video
Pnmf!: video
Re:clip: live
Taina Valkonen: live

Saturday 4 October 2003
Horros, Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

gM4: DJing
Grey Park: live sound
Lost Weight: live sound
Lauri Luhta: live sound
Rihmasto: live sound
Unihäiriö: installation, video

Thursday 9 - Sunday 12 October 2003
9th International Congress for live Art, Open Space, Berlin
Paradies, Bunker, Berlin

Aapo Kustaa: live
Essi Kausalainen: live
Leena Kela: live
Tanja Koistila: live
KunstKant: live, video
Heidi Lindberg: live
Lauri Luhta: live
Morlokkiarmeija: live sound
Nega: live sound
NL: live sound
Outi-Iluusia Parviainen: live

Tuesday 14 - Wednesday 15 October 2003
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Werner Dafeldecker: workshop
Franz Hautzinger: workshop
Burkhard Stangl: workshop

Tuesday 21 - Sunday 26 October 2003
Logischer Garten, Koetila, Helsinki

gM4: DJing
Duoviri: live sound
Lauri Luhta: installations, pictures, live
Morlokkiarmeija: live sound
NL: live sound
qqmuk: DJing
Viiu: live sound

Friday 14 – Saturday 15 November 2003
Post-Male Performance

Forum Box, Helsinki

Eeva-Mari Haikala: performance
Niina Hartikainen: pictures
High Heel Sisters: video
Maija Hirvanen: performance
Helinä Hukkataival: performance
Hyun-joo Min: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Liisa Jaakonaho: performance
Katri Kainulainen: performance
Sanna Karlsson-Sutisna: live
Essi Kausalainen: performance
Leena Kela: performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Sonja Lillvis: live
Emi Maeda: live sound
Marja Mikkonen: performance
Mimosa Pale: performance
Suvi Parilla: performance
Outi-Illuusia Parviainen: live
Jaana Pirskanen: performance
Nanna Saarhelo: pictures
Azar Saiyar: performance
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
Taina Valkonen: performance

Saturday 13 December 2003
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Tuuliki Avango: live, video
Folio: live sound
Chris Fraser: live, video
Suvi Parrilla: video
Pessi Parviainen: video
Re:clip: video
Paul Rimmington: video
Ibrahim Terzic: DJing
Bille Tuul: live

Friday 27 - Saturday 28 February 2004
Oulun Taidekoulu, Oulu

Andrei G.: video, live
John Court: live
Tuomo Heikkinen: live
Maija Hirvanen: performance
Toni Kandelin: video
Essi Kausalainen: performance
Leena Kela: performance
Ilona Kivijärvi: live, installation, sound
Tanja Koistila: performance
Kyperjokki: video
Lauri Luhta: live
Marja Mikkonen: performance
O: live, video
Pessi Parviainen: live
Perkust: live, sound
Poseidon's Housewives: live, sound
Jaana Pirskanen: performance
Pleasures and Days: live sound
Mark Roberts: live
Transistori: live
Jaakko Vähänen: live

Tuesday 20 April - Saturday 22 May 2004
Galleria Jangva, Helsinki
Tehdasteatteri, Turku
Galleria Augusta, NIFCA, Suomenlinna, Helsinki
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki
Pannuhalli, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Absolut Null Punkt: live sound
Aïr: live sound
Anaksimandros: live sound
Avarus: live sound
Braspyreet: live
Paul Couillard, Ed Johnson: performance
DJ Conflict Song: DJing
Angela Ellsworth, Tina Takemoto: live
Experimental Electronics Association: installation
The Gyrl Grip: live
Aura Hakuri, Linda Granfors: performance
En halvkokt i folie: performance
Paula Harju: live
Helsinki Computer Orchestra: live sound
Hetero Skeleton: live sound
High Heel Sisters: live
Maija Hirvanen: performance
Ville Huhtanen: live
Helinä Hukkataival: live
Hum Hum: live
Elisabeth Jappe: speech
Jacob's Ladder: live sound
Satu Kaarisola-Kulo: sound performance
Katri Kainulainen: drawings
Essi Kausalainen: performance
Leena Kela: performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Kolmet stereot: installation, live
Kukkiva poliisi: live sound
Petri Kuljuntausta: live sound
Tommi Lehtovirta: video
Lauri Luhta: DJing
Edwige Mandrou: performance
Morlokkiarmeija: live sound
No I Ain't: live sound
O: performance
Mika Orava: live, installation
Ovro: live, video
Suvi Parrilla: performance
Minna Partanen: live
Pessi Parviainen: live, installation
Panu Pettinen: slides
Plaa: DJing
Nicolas Primat: performance
Rajapinta: live
Re:clip: live
Paul Rimmington: installation
Heini Räsänen: live
Aku Salminen: installation
Seppo Salminen: durational performance
Silmu: live sound
Siniaalto: live sound
Superfoil: live sound
Tina Takemoto: performance
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
Unihäiriö: installation
Taina Valkonen: performance
Willem Wilhelmus: performance
XXIII: installation, live

Wednesday 23 June 2004
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Aprox avec Silky: live sound
Arturas: live
Celicasette: live sound
G-Lab: video
Jasenka: live
Lauri Luhta: live
Pink Twins: live sound
Ibrahim Terzic: live sound
Antoine Verhaverbeke: live sound

Saturday 4 September 2004
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Tuure Alhstedt: live on telephone
Andrei G.: video
Paula Harju: live
Ville Huhtanen: live
Lauri Luhta: live, DJing
Minna Partanen: live
Panu Pettinen: slides
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Saturday 25 September 2004
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Agnosia: live
Andrei G.: video
Cut-up: live
Jukka Hautamäki: live, video
Höyry: installation
Noise Opera: live, video
Anne Ollila: live, video
Dennis Tan: live, video
Sebastian Ziegler: vj

Saturday 9 October 2004
Das Jubiläumskonzert, Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Gelsomina: live sound
Grunt: live sound
Hinageshi Bondage: live sound
Montage: live sound
Rulla: live sound

Monday 15 - Thursday 18 November 2004
International Congress for live Art, Open Space, Berlin
Là-bas in Berlin, Barbie Deinhoff, Berlin

Cut-up: live
Hannu Elenius: performance
Linda Granfors: performance
Aura Hakuri: video
Matti Hikipää: live
Katri Kainulainen: performance
Lauri Luhta: live, video
Marja Mikkonen: performance
Pessi Parviainen: live
Jaana Pirskanen: live
Pilvari Pirtola: live

Thursday 25 November 2004
New Music Academy Concert III
Kamarimusiikkisali, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki

Noise Opera Orchestra, Lauri Luhta, Roosa Voima: live

Thursday 2 - Friday 3 December 2004
TVO, Turku
Hansatori, Turku

Aprox: live sound, DJing
Hannu Elenius: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Lauri Luhta: live, video
Marja Mikkonen: performance
Pleasures and Days: live sound, video
Rihmasto: live, video
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Friday 4 February 2005
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Artstevedores: video
Sadri Cetinkaya: live video
Love Enqvist: live
Magnús Logi Kristinsson: live
Harri Larjosto: video
Simo Rouhiainen: video
Marja Saksman: installation
V: live
The Custodians of Being: live, video

Tuesday 22 February 2005
45 Special, Oulu

Leena Kela: performance
Elisa Muikku: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Suvi Parrilla: performance
Jouni Partanen: performance
Perkust: live
Pilakivikvartetti: live, slides
The Custodians of Being: performance, video projection

Saturday 19 March 2005
Shining Bodies
The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Helga Häkli: live
Essi Kausalainen: performance
Marja Mikkonen: live, video
Tero Nauha: performance
Mimosa Pale: performance
Jaana Pirskanen: live, video
Pekka Purhonen: live
Azar Saiyar: live, video
Panu Tyhtilä: performance
Taina Valkonen: performance

Friday 15 April 2005
Studio Là-bas→, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Aura Hakuri, Linda Granfors
Klaus Herde: live sound
Aimo Hyvärinen
Roosa Länsipuro
No Xivic: live sound
Katri Saarikivi
Inka Saarinen
Livia Tarmo

Friday 6 - Saturday 7 May 2005
Diverse Universe
Valssaamo, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Amanita Phalloides
Amoeba Technology
Philip Brehse: performance
Sylvain Breton: performance
Joan Casellas: performance
John Court: performance
Gert Hatsukov: performance
Jorge Hidalgo: performance
Kim Hook: performance
Pekka Kainulainen: performance
KIM Kang
KIM Yuon Hoan
Samuli Kontio: performance
Maritatsi: performance
Orion Maxted
Open Space Performunion
Irma Optimist: performance
Outi-Illuusia Parviainen: performance
Rubensid: performance
Ryan the Jackass Siegan-Smith
Yellow Wolfman Vol. 44: performance

Wednesday 8 June 2005
Helsingin Taidehalli, Helsinki

Tari Ito: performance
Irma Optimisti: performance
Leena Kela: performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Nonko Ono: performance
Fumiko Takahashi: performance
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
Yuko Yamamoto: performance

Friday 16 - Saturday 17 September 2005
Inter/National: Before and After Performance Art
Sculpture Hall, Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki

Paul Couillard: performance
Charles Dreyfus: performance
Jean Dupuy: performance
Esther Ferrer: performance
Dominic Gagnon: performance
Johanna Householder: performance
Joel Hubaut: performance
Ed Johnson: performance
Alastair MacLennan: performance
Richard Martel: performance
Julie Andrée T.: performance

Saturday 24 September 2005
4'33'': Abstracts of Audio Art
Kaiku Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki

Amanita Phalloides: live sound
Experimental Electronics Association: live sound
GM4: live sound
Grey Park: live sound
Petri Kuljuntausta: live sound
Lauri Luhta: live sound
Pink Twins: live sound
Rihmasto: live sound
Ibrahim Terzic: live sound

Monday 24 October - Saturday 29 October 2005
Nordiska Konstskolan, Kokkola

The Custodians of Being
Patrik Johanssen: performance
Marja Jokitalo
Leena Kela: performance
Lauri Luhta: performance
Tobias Nilsson: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Tara Rolfsen: performance
Annika Tudeer

Friday 2 December 2005
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Cloama: live sound
Rene Kita, Ibrahim Terzic
Kuu-maa: performance
Nosfe: live sound
Shogun Kunitoki: live sound
Sadkarma: live sound

Saturday 4 February 2006
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Amanita Phalloides
The Custodians of Being
Front Against Art
Patrik Johansson
Riikka Kiljunena
Juha Laakkonen
Maria & Tobias
Bertil Maskulin
Eeva Miinin
Elisa Muikku: performance
Sofie Nohrstedt
Mari Rogers
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Saturday 8 - Friday 9 April 2006
Earth, Space, Being
Maa-Tila, Helsinki

Custodians of being
Rita K.
Leena Kela: performance
Vesa Lahtinen: performance
Lauri Luhta
Pasi Mäkelä
Samuli Waegelein

Friday 12 - Sunday 14 May 2006
Space of the Global - the State of Performance
Pannuhalli, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Julie Bacon: performance
Marilyn Arsem: performance
Alexander del Re: performance
Custodians of being
Fernando Fuentes, Lorena Mendez
Alejandra Herrera
Essi Kausalainen: performance
Karolina Kucia, Tero Nauha: performance
Kuu-Maa: performance
Elisa Muikku: performance
Guadalupe Neves: performance
Jukka Sihvonen
Javier Sobrino
Sakiko Yamaoka: performance
Valentin Torrens: performance
Panu Tyhtilä: performance
Sakimo Yamakoko: performance
Mauri Ylä-Kotola

Wednesday 5 July 2006
Messages into a Black Hole - Performances Outside of a Space
Happihuone, Helsinki

Hyun-joo Min: performance
Satu Linnapuomi: performance
Jyri Pitkänen: performance
Gabi Schaffner

Sunday 15 September 2006
Happihuoneen kesä/syyskauden 2006 Päätösjuhlat
Happihuone, Helsinki

Rene Kita
Lauri Luhta

Saturday 2 December 2006
Omnidelia: the Concluding Thought of 2006

Aprox Sounds
The Concluding Thought
Front Against Art
Rene Kita
Lauri Luhta and enemies
No Xivic
Pleasures and Days
Rightist Circus
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Friday 2 March 2007
Performance of Power
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Custodians of Being
Hannu Elenius: performance
Linda Granfors: performance
Aura Hakuri: performance
Homo Skeleton: performance
The Messianic Research Centre for Visual Ethics: performance
Livia Tarmo: performance
Samuli Waegelein

Sunday 1 April 2007
Secret Assembly
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Hladna: live sound
Nega: live sound
No I Ain't: live sound
Noises of Russia: live sound

Thursday 3 - Wednesday 9 May 2007
Hyper Center - Performance and Its Discontents
Pannuhalli, The Cable Factory & Ruoholahti, Helsinki
Galleria Välivuosi, Helsinki

Actung Baby!
Minna Alaluusua: performance
Antoine, Neuromancie & Trentinella
Annette Arlander
Larry Button & 3V
Custodians of being
Cycle Hiccups
Front Against Art: performance
Otzir Godot
Grey Park
Johanna Householder: performance
Helinä Hukkataival: performance
Hyun-Joo Min
Kai Lam
Taava Koskinen
Pia Lindy
Lauri Luhta
Lee Wen
Tanya Mars
Tero Nauha
Irma Optimist
Suvi Parrilla: performance
Pink Twins
Rihmasto: live sound
Tomasz Szrama: performance
Hans Sternudd
3rd Side Specific
Tiina Tietäväinen: performance
Yeh Tzu-Chi

Là-bas -> Bbeyond
Helsingin Taidehalli, Saturday 19 - Sunday 20 January 2008

Brian Connolly: performance
Custodians of Being: performance
Linda Granfors & Aura Hakuri: performance
Elina Hartzell: performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Johanna MacDonald: performance
Siobhan Mullen: performance
Hugh O'Donnell: performance
Sinead O'Donnell: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Brian Patterson: performance
Yrjänä Sauros
Panu Tyhtilä: performance
Mark Ward

Friday 9 - Sunday 11 May 2008
Pannuhalli, The Cable Factory & Ruoholahti, Helsinki

Association of Experimental Electronics
Maurice Blok: performance
Colm Clarke
Alexander del Re: performance
Leo Devlin
On Furukawa
Essi Kausalainen: performance
Leena Kela: performance
Vesa Lahtinen: performance
Sara Létourneau: performance
Pekka Luhta
Helge Meyer: performance
Yumiko Nii: performance
Hong O-Bong: performance
Francis O'Shaughnessy: performance
Pilvari Pirtola
Kirsi Pitkänen
Puiset heilat
Livia Tarmo: performance
Andree Weschler

Grey Park
Markku Löytyoja
Yrjänä Sauros
Jone Takamäki
Adachi Tomomi

Saturday 8 - Sunday 9 November 2008
Performance Focus
Seminar room, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki

Association of Experimental Electronics
Linda Granfors: performance
Aura Hakuri: performance
Grey Park
Aapo Korkeaoja: performance
Karolina Kucia: performance
Tero Nauha: performance
Steve Pedersen: performance

Saturday 29 November 2008
Suuri aika
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Marko Ahokangas
Petri Kuljuntausta
Esa Ruoho
Random Doctors

Saturday 14 March 2009
Eletyt tilat I
Taidemuseo, Meilahti, Helsinki

Essi Kausalainen: performance
Tanja Koistila: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Kaarina Ormio: performance
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Saturday 25 April 2009
Eletyt tilat II
Suomen Valokuvataiteen Museo, Studio Là-bas-> The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Antti Ahonen
Art Clay
Sini Haapalinna: performance
Antti Majava: performance
Mensch und Kosmos
Pax Futile
Tomasz Szrama: performance
Tridential Emanation
Vaeltaja Kivelä

Thursday 13 August 2009
Alhaalla, tuolla

Ars Nova Museum, Turku

Tanja Koistila: performance
Pessi Parviainen: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Tomas Szrama: performance

Friday 21 August 2009
This Is Sex Music, Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Fricara Pacchu
Mother Goose
Neue Haas Grotesk
Nokia Missio

Friday 18 September 2009
äänivalta ja maan siunaus, Augusta, Suomenlinna, Helsinki

Pentti Aitta
Otzir Godot
J.K. Ihalainen
Leevi Lehto
Tero Nauha: performance
Irma Optimist: performance
Yrjänä Sauros
Tomasz Szrama: performance
Sándor Vály

Sunday 31 October 2009
Lausuma, Seminaarihuone, Kiasma, Helsinki

Bertil Maskulin

Saturday 7 November 2009
Das Jubiläumskonzert II, Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Tommi Keränen
Sick Seed

Friday 9 April 2010
A Secret Assembly

A Challenge of Honour
Noises of Russia
Tuhat Kuolemaa Sekunnissa
Zoät Aon

Thursday 22 - Sunday 25 April 2010
, Kiasma, Ylioppilasteatteri, Korjaamo, Old Anchor & Dubrovnik, Helsinki

Aura & Linda
Grey Park
Aura Hakuri: performance
Jorge Haro
Elina Hartzell: performance
Jonimatti Joutsjärvi
Shinji Kanki
Kheta Hotem
Tanja Koistila: performance
Kokeellisen Elektroniikan Seura
Leevi Lehto
Jason Lim: performance
Francisco Lopez: performance
Teemu Manninen
Irma Optimist
Jörg Piringer
Rank Ensemble
Antti E. Salminen
JP Sipilä
Technical Supervisors
Koray Tahiroglu
Los Torrenzos
Herma Auguste Wittstock
Mark Ward
Jukka Ylitalo

Saturday 12 June 2010
Karelia, Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

custodians of being
Jukka Hautamäki
Eric Leonardsson
Les Maitres d’ouvre avec Casimir Lütha
Tomasz Szrama

Sunday 5 September 2010
AHNE '10: Kaksoisrengas, Kattilahalli, Helsinki

Maurice Blok: performance, video projection
custodians of being: discussion
Elina Hartzell: performance
Sirkku Mäenpää: performance
Tomasz Szrama: performance

Saturday 11 September 2010
Näkyvä saari – Insula visibilis

Harakka, Helsinki

Tanja Koistila: performance
Maija Muinonen
Mari Rogers
Miia Toivio
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Saturday 27 November 2010
La Contact, Galleria Augusta, Suomenlinna, Helsinki

Johannes Blomqvist
Nathalie Mba Bikoro: performance
Myke Henry
Pilvari Pirtola
Martin Renteria: performance
Panu Tyhtilä: performance

Tuesday 14 December 2010
Suomi Industrial Chaos Kollektive Presents, Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Domestic Violence
Golden Rain
Les Manures

Saturday 5 March 2011
Ylioppilasteatteri, Helsinki

Baaba Jakeh Chande
Imaginary Playground #7
Irma Optimist
Valtteri Pöyhönen Hyperpresent
Anna Tahkola
Niina Ukkonen

Wednesday 6 April 2011
Telakointi, Ravintola Telakka, Tampere

Leevi Lehto
Pekka Luhta
Messiaaninen Visuaalisen Etiikan Tutkimuskeskus
Panu Tyhtilä
Timo Viialainen
Antero Vääräleuka Featuring Sami Maalas

Friday 13 January 2012
Taidehalli, Helsinki

Liisa Erdman, Sari TM Kivinen & Katariina Mylläri
Linda Granfors & Aura Hakuri
Leena Kela
Irma Optimist
Tärähtäneet ämmät
Timo Viialainen

Wednesday 25 - Sunday 29 April 2012
Concept of Performance, Kiasma, Kattilahalli, Esitystaiteen Keskus, Galleria Augusta, Harakka, Helsinki

Black to Comm
Jaap Blonk
Cleaning Women
Shannon Cochrane
Juha Forss
Eeva-Mari Haikala
Jukka Hautamäki
Rasmus Hedlund & Tuomo Väänänen
Stein Henningsen: durational performance
Helinä Hukkatavaival: performance
Tari Ito: performance
Jozsef Juhász: performance
Shinji Kanki
Tanja Koistila: performance
Leevi Lehto
Osku Leinonen
Maanalainen Seurakunta laulaa
Alastair MacLennan: durational performance
Thierry Madiot
Messianic Research Centre for Visual Ethics
Kimmo Modig: performance
Nihil Interit
Noises of Russia
Eirikur örn Norddahl
Anneli Nygren
Irma Optimist: performance
Kaarina Ormio
Mimosa Pale
Pink Twins
Pilvari Pirtola
Cia Rinne
Alexander Rishaug
Mari Rogers
Peter Rosvik
Nastja Säde Rönkkö
Masha Salangina
Tomasz Szrama: performance
Janne Särkelä
Artur Tajber
Marko Timlin
Adachi Tomoni
Steve Vanoni
Timo Viialainen
Wen Yau


Saturday 9 November 2019
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Pancho Lopez: presentation, performance


Monday 21 December 2020
Syndafloden, internet

Jenni & Lauri Luhta: online screening


February 2021
Magnus Strandberg, internet
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Magnus Strandberg: installation, video, video projection, online exhibition

Tuesday 20 April – Monday 31 May 2021
Mari Metsämäki, internet

Mari Metsämäki: online exhibition

Saturday 28 August 2021
Äänen tulo

Helsinki City Museum, Helsinki

Petri Kuljuntausta: discussion moderation
Henri Kurko: discussion participation
Lauri Luhta: discussion introduction
Anton Nikkilä: discussion participation
Taneli Viitahuhta: discussion participation


Sunday 6 – Sunday 27 March 2022
Tarmo Paunu: Escapees in a Scent, internet
Studio Là-bas, The Cable Factory, Helsinki

Tarmo Paunu: exhibition, online exhibition

Saturday 18 June 2022
Scaffold of the Spectacle

Pablo Alvez Artinprocess

Friday 2 December – Friday 30 December 2022
From Underground to the World and Back – 20 Years of Association of Experimental Electronics

Association of Experimental Electronics